We are very excited to offer our 2nd year of Pop-up Goddess Temple ~Barrie! For all lovers of the Goddess.
October 27 ~ Open House ~ By Donation
This temple is dedicated to the Goddess in all her forms, names, shapes, and phases. This is a place where we can hold and honour the sacred and divine feminine. All Welcome!
Our main studio space will ambiently be set up with beautiful altars dedicated to the Goddess where one can make offerings and be in a sacred quiet space with other like hearts and devotees of the goddess.
Add prayers to our prayer tree, pick oracle cards, light candles, meditate, Charge & cleanse your sacred objects tune in and be Spiritually Uplifted by the power of the Divine Feminine within you & around you.
Sister Rhonda will be at your service in the privacy of our healing room for an Oracle Card Reading (sign up for your 15 min session beforehand)
Priestess Anastasia will meet & greet you and offer you a gorgeous Elemental Blessing upon your arrival, then you will be oriented to the opportunities available to you during your visit .
Arrive/Visit anytime between 1-4pm to pay your respect & honour to the Goddess.
There will be a Sacred BELTANE CEREMONY for all to enjoy from 2:30-3pm ( the ceremony will be available ONline for those that would like to join, reach out to Anastasia to be added to our Zoom invite list)

There will be a Sacred SAMHAIN CEREMONY (MID FALL) for all to enjoy from 2:30-3pm ( the ceremony will be available ONline for those that would like to join, reach out to Anastasia to be added to our Zoom invite list)
Anastasia Love studied with The Goddess Temple in Glastonbury 2020-2022 and dedicated as Priestess of Cerridwen in the Avolonian tradition. Whilst in the UK she visited various Goddess Temples that inspired her to share here in her own beautiful sacred space which has been known for its Goddess Yoga, Goddess Gatherings and Sacred Ceremonies. Anastasia LOVES sharing inclusively in the spirit of Community for all to enjoy the power and Love of the Goddess!
Drop in on the last Sunday of October to connect in the spirit of the Goddess
Open House ~ By Donation
SAMHAIN CEREMONY IS AVAILABLE ONLINE ON ZOOM, just email us your address and we will include you for ceremony
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