Sacred Seasonal Ceremonies: Virtual Temple

Sacred Seasonal Ceremonies Virtual Temple with The Love’s are truly a unique soul satisfying experience.

Celebrate the motions of the seasons through the year with Loving Spirit.

Originally held 4 times a year as an in person community potluck/seasonally since 2015 in our home in Barrie.

We are now broadening this experience to an ONLINE ceremonial experience 8 times a year including the mid- seasons as well .

The Wheel of the Pagan Year is a symbol representing the 8 festivals important to many pagans, Wiccans, and witches. These holidays — knows as Sabbats — follow a nature-based calendar and include four solar festivals and four seasonal festivals set in between them.

These Sacred circles are inspired by our connection to the elements/ moon-phases/natural magic/our selves/Spirit/Yoga/Meditation/ journaling/ritual & each other.

We explore 4 main stages of the creation cycle that is reflected in nature- birth, life, death and rebirth.

Through guided meditation journeys, art making, movement, song and ritual, we co-create a space where our creative, intuitive self can come alive.

All are welcome who resonate with the teachings and descriptions.

The intention of the space is to reflect and connect deeply with our inner self and notice how we are connected to the cycles of nature and each other.

Facilitated by both Anastasia & Christopher Love, these gatherings help to ground us in self-awareness on our journey of healing and transformation as we connect to the divine cycles.

“You’ve always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself” -Glinda the Witch- Wizard of OzWhen


The closest Saturday night to the Sabbath of the season ( dates below)


We will send you our Zoom link once we receive an $11-$22 sliding scale contribution


To honor our connection with the seasons


Live ONline with Anastasia & Christopher LoveCeremonial dates please add to your calendar!

Autumnal Equinox Sat Sept 25th
Samhain Sat Oct 30
Winter Solstice Sat Dec 18th
Imbolc Sat Jan 29th
Vernal Equinox Sat March 19th
Beltane Sat April 30th
Summer Solstice Sat June 18th
Lammas Sat July 30th

7pm EST
6pm CST
4pm PST
12pm UK